Episode Notes

In this episode we chat with Dr Stephen Weller, Chief Operating Officer at Australian Catholic University, to discuss gender inequality within the tertiary education sector.

We explore the importance of diverse representation in decision making, governance and policy making, and how change is taking longer than it should be.

We examine some of the underlying issues associated with casualisation, flexibility and academic promotions, and how these are providing significant barriers to achieving gender equality.

Dr Linda Peach


Dr Stephen Weller, Chief Operating Officer at Australian Catholic University.

Dr Weller comes with quite extensive experience across tertiary education management, having worked for UWS, UTS, UQ, Victoria University, and James Cook University.

Doctor Stephen Weller, also holds a PhD in organisational justice from Victoria University. 

In addition to that, he’s got a Bachelor of Business Administration, a Master of Commerce in employment relations, and a Bachelor of Arts, Government, and Public Administration. 

He’s also a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and a Chair of the Board of Higher Education Services.